ViridiSTOR Presenter¨ USB Allows LCI to Go "Paperless" at their 97th International Convention Held in Toronto, Canada
Joe Preston, International President of Lions Clubs International and Terry Mullin, CEO of ViridiSTOR LLC (left to right).
Tustin, CA – July 17, 2014 – ViridiSTOR LLC partnered with Lions Clubs International (LCI) to deliver their entire convention digitally on their Presenter USB. Held in Toronto, over 16,000 delegates representing the 1.36 million members from over 200 countries worldwide attended the annual convention.
“We began working with the Lions several years back after meeting with them at the IAEE Expo!Expo! conference,” stated Terry Mullin, CEO of ViridiSTOR. “From the start, their Convention Manager saw all of the values that our solution provides. As with many relationships, it was only a matter of time before we would make their tremendous annual convention not only digital, but one of the largest quantifiably sustainable events in the world,” stated Mullin.
“Lions Clubs International has many initiatives around the world involving sustainability and improving the environment,” stated Joe Preston, International President. “Considering the tremendous amount of information that the USB potentially holds, by going paperless we avoid the printing, shipping and waste of paper. That, in turn, is better for the environment. It’s a win, win situation,” stated Preston.
“Lions Clubs International holds annual events in locations around the world,” stated their Convention Manager. “Delivering all of the materials for these events becomes a challenge when you consider how many of our delegates and members travel to the event. We partnered with ViridiSTOR so that we could deliver the entire convention and more on the Presenter USB. We included key information on the 11 divisions at LCI, seminar materials, training and initiative information and a variety of videos. We even included the handout materials from all of our 60 exhibitors at the event, many with video. And since we wanted to have everything available without an Internet connection, the Presenter USB is the only solution of its kind. Quite literally, ‘everything Lions’ is on the Presenter USB.”
“Working with LCI we delivered a tremendous amount of digital content on the Presenter USB,” Mullin said. “And considering that the Presenter delivered the content on the USB with no Internet required, the USB becomes indispensable as a reference and training tool and more. Even their key videos were delivered in HD quality. And since all of the ‘materials’ on the Presenter USB are digital, the users can search, sort, categorize, select favorites and share with their other members around the world” Mullin stated.
“In working with LCI we are setting a new level of common sense sustainability” stated Mullin. “With our ability to deliver information of all types digitally with no Internet required on Windows or Mac computers, the uses for our solution at all events is unlimited,” Mullin continued. “And considering that the vast majority of convention attendees travel by air, the weight of paper is costly in baggage fees in addition to being inconvenient. As the first fiscally sound solution that significantly reduces costs of delivering information at the over 1.3M trade shows, conferences, and meetings held every year, we provide an immediate and positive ROI with the use of our system. By greatly reducing or eliminating the need for paper at any event, our solution clearly shows how sustainability can be financially viable and provide unquestionable environmental savings by delivering information digitally,” added Mullin.
About Lions Clubs International
Lions Clubs International is the largest service club organization in the world. Its 1.36 million members in more than 46,000 clubs are serving communities in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the globe. Since 1917, Lions clubs have aided the blind and visually impaired, championed youth initiatives and strengthened local communities through hands-on service and humanitarian projects. For more information about Lions Clubs International, visit
About ViridiSTOR
Based in Tustin, CA, ViridiSTOR LLC was established with the goal of providing the world’s first environmentally and fiscally sound business solution for the information technology market. The Presenter USB and Green Box™ solution replaces paper-based materials at trade shows and conferences, greatly reducing the environmental impact of the event while increasing the usability of information for attendees. For additional information, please visit the company’s web site at
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Press Information:
Terry Mullin
Tel: (657) 224-9553 ext. 1
Lions Clubs International
Dane LaJoye
Tel: (630) 468-6764
Christophe bunch
(630) 468-6827